Don Giovanni’s special amalgam of dark drama and sparkling comedy is captured with startling immediacy by Carlo Maria Giulini. The Viennese baritone Eberhard Wächter faces a particularly formidable pair of noble ladies: Donna Anna in the form of Joan Sutherland (in one of her rare recordings for a label other than Decca) and the Donna Elvira of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
‘This set … put into the hands of those who have not yet unlocked the paradise of Mozartean opera, is worth …what? A year at a foreign university? I don’t believe I exaggerate.’ Gramophone
„Wer nicht auf Böhm schwört, dem kann dies als beste Giovanni-Aufnahme gelten.‟ Hermes Opernlexikon
« La plus humaine, la plus émouvante, la plus complexe, la plus achevée des versions de Don Giovanni. » Diapason