Schubert: Symphony No. 8 'Unfinished' & Dvorák: Symphony No. 9 'From the new World' | Warner Classics
Schubert: Symphony No. 8 'Unfinished' & Dvorák: Symphony No. 9 'From the new World'

Schubert: Symphony No. 8 'Unfinished' & Dvorák: Symphony No. 9 'From the new World'

Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker

Antonín Dvorák, Franz Schubert

Disponibile in and

The Munich Philharmonic and Sergiu Celibidache share an exceptional legacy. He started his work as principal conductor in 1979 and remained in this position for as long as 17 years. Sergiu Celibidache played an integral part in making the Munich Philharmonic what it is today: an orchestra of worl

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