Johann Sebastian Bach, George Gershwin, Aleksander Dębicz, Michael Kiwanuka
Featured artists:
Łukasz Kuropaczewski, Damian Świst, Polish Soloists, Cracow Golden Quintet
My first album, “Cinematic Piano”, opened up new artistic paths for me. Some of them fascinated me from the start even though I cannot name them. As an abstract art, music can – and sometimes even should – get off the beaten track, regardless of whether it is rooted in classical genres, jazz, or film. “Sideways” has been an attempt to continue my journey, learn new things and develop. I am happy that I have once again met fantastic companions to accompany me on my way.
Composition has been, already for some time, my major form of expression. This time I decided to write not just for the piano, but for larger instrumental line-ups. I therefore invited two fantastic ensembles, Polish Soloists and Cracow Golden Quintet, to collaborate. I am genuinely glad these artists have agreed to play my music and put so much heart into it. Polish Soloists is a sensational chamber string orchestra, Cracow Golden Quintet – a phenomenal wind quintet. These excellent soloists and chamber musicians have thus decided to make music together.